Oceanwide Russia
Работа для моряков“Oceanwide Russia”, “Оушенвайд Раша”, ООО Санкт-Петербург,
5 Gapsalskaya str.,off.704 198035, St-Petersburg, Russia,
Телефон: +7 (812) 748 26 52
E-Mail: petersburg@oceanwide.ru
URL: http://www.oceanwidecrew.com
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Oceanwide Russia is an independent crewing company, based in St. Petersburg. We supply crew in all positions on dry-cargo vessels of various types and tonnages (container, general cargo, multi purpose, heavy lift, bulk carriers). The contracts with our clients vary from the assignment of an individual crewmember for one travel to the full crew management of a fleet.
Oceanwide Russia cooperates with various ship-owners/ -managers in Holland, Germany, England, Cyprus, Norway, Denmark etc. The activities of the company are controlled and coordinated by the international Oceanwide organization, which guarantees you the reliable quality of a company active in crewing for over 30 years.
Oceanwide’s Quality Management System is in compliance with ISO 9001:2000 requirements. Our office staff is highly qualified and has an extensive operational experience in working with seamen and ship owners. If you have a request of just some questions do not hesitate to contact us.
Теги: крюинг, крюинговые компании, плавсостав, работа в море, работа для моряков, работа на судне